Sunday, October 26, 2008

Politics is moot court

Perhaps that's why so many practitioners are lawyers: they've been trained to debate moot points in public. Our schools from Kindergarden on should teach moot point debating so that all Canadians will equally understand how to defend common law in the name of Commonwealth, from school yards to Parliament. (Blessings on the first generation of teachers who will be challenged both personally and institutionally by an empowered first generation of moot point debating graduates.)


Anonymous said...

I think it is even part of a bigger problem: the only people who seem to have sway in the dealings of government are either economists, big business or lawyers. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with either group, but it presents an imbalance. They should be listening to others equally, from other key disciplines as well, particularly scientists, environmentalists, and educators.

Jerry Prager said...

Somebody say amen.