Friday, October 17, 2008

Dion does not have to go at all

As evidenced at Steve Valeriote's Far And Wide blog, there is an almost let-Elizabeth-May-into-the-debates movement rising up among Dion Liberals who are incensed at the party power brokers who hobbled Dion and undermined him every step of the way. The idea that an intelligent, decent man is being trashed by backroom wheelers and dealers who are leftovers from the broken Chretien-Martin factions, is particularly embittering for them. Chantal Hebert predicts that when Dion emerges from Stornaway there will be no one to guard his back, my guess is she's wrong. Dion has friends on the ground and in the blogosphere, and they're ready for a fight with those who betrayed Dion from the beginning of his leadership to now.


David Graham - said...

You got that right!

Jerry Prager said...

The question is, will the groundswell raise Dion's boat and take it back out to sea or will it falter and beach him.

Anonymous said...

That's actually a good point Jerry. I never thought ill towards the guy. He seemed to handle himself well and does have convictions that he holds to which was nice to see. Just the policies that didn't jive with me this election. I think at this time though, it will come down to optics. The Liberals will have to get rid of him to optically show that he was the reason they did so poorly. with him gone it gives them the optics that things will be better. We'll see what happens?

Jerry Prager said...

He's called a news conference for Monday, allegedly to resign, so perhaps it's all just moot, or may be he's waiting to see what happens.
Optics have a way of being illusional, especially since we see in a mirror darkly" to begin with. In event, it turns out Harper's plan for the economy is to do what Dion proposed. so there's an another optic about leadership and bullshit.